Carrizozo Schools has cancelled school for today, Friday, January 10th due to the icy roads in town.
Carrizozo Schools will be on a 2 hour delay tomorrow, January 10th.
Carrizozo Municipal Schools has cancelled school for today, January 9th.
Carrizozo Schools will not be in session on Tuesday, November 5th, but we will have school on Friday, November 8th.
There will be a Parent meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 28th at 5:30 in the multi-purpose room for discussion on possible drug testing of students involved in extracurricular activities. We look forward to seeing you there!
Grizzlies All Sport - Athletics Meeting
Monday, August 12, 2024 @ 6:00 pm in the Multi-purpose room.
This is a mandatory meeting for all student athletes and parents/guardians. Athletes that are planning on playing any sports for the 24-25 school year need to be in attendance with a parent/guardian.
We look forward to seeing you there!
School Board Meetings Live Stream
As of New 2024 law, SB 137: Local School Board Meetings –Webcasting and Archiving, Carrizozo Municipal Schools will be live streaming their board meetings on youtube at this URL:, copy and past this URL into your browser bar or go to MENU on our homepage and then click Carrizozo School Board. The link to access the live streaming of the Carrizozo School Board Meetings will be on that page. Our next regular school board meeting will be on July 15, 2024.
May 9, 2024
Parents and Guardians of Carrizozo Students,
CarrizozoSchools went into a brief shelter in place due to a suspicious item found on school grounds. After investigation, the shelter in place was removed. At no time were any staff or students in any danger.
Cody Patterson
Halloween Carnival
Join Us for our Halloween Carnival from 3-5pm on October 31st in our school gymnasium. We will have a costume contest, fun, games, and much more. Clubs will have booths for students to enjoy. The cost of each booth’s activities will vary, so please bring money to play! All are welcome!
We look forward to seeing you there! Busses will still run at 4:10 PM, and pick up times will be the same for any students whose parents/guardians are not at the carnival with them.
If you would like to enter a booth, please contact Mrs. Turnbow or Ms. LaMay for more information. or
Thank you!
Carrizozo Student Council
Mandatory Meeting for all athletes and their parents/guardians on Thursday, July 27th at 6:00 pm in the multi-purpose room.
There is also a youth camp on July 15th from 1-5 pm. This is for 1st-5th graders. Their fee is $30. They can register using the following link. Just click the correct school and session. Flyer are attached.
Grizzlies Volleyball camp will be July 13 & 14 for 6th-12th graders. Camp is from 9am-4pm. We will feed all participants lunch. Make sure you bring shoes, kneepads and water. Use the following link to register. Must bring payment on the first day of camp.
Awards Program for grades 6-12 on May 15th @ 3:00 in the New Gym
Carrizozo Schools will have an Awards Program to recognize those students that have performed well academically. We will also recognize those students that are involved in the different clubs at Carrizozo Schools. Parents and family members are welcome to attend.
Re: Nation Wide Circulating Social Media Threat
Tuesday May 9, 2023
Carrizozo Municipal Schools has been made aware of the information being seen on the social media app. Snapchat claiming of possible shootings and bombings that may be carried out on Wednesday, May 10th, The threat has unspecified schools and unspecified cities. The national store chain, Albertsons, is also
mentioned as being a possible target. These threats do not mention Carrizozo or Carrizozo Municipal Schools. Carrizozo Municipal Schools is working with Lincoln County Sheriff’s office. There is currently no evidence to substantiate an actual threat exists locally. However, the Sheriff’s office will have officers on campus tomorrow to help monitor the situation. We ask if anyone has firsthand knowledge to contact local law enforcement at 575-648-2341
Remote Class Schedule for Tuesday, May 2nd:
1st Period: 8:00 – 8:45
2nd Period: 8:50 – 9:35
3rd Period: 9:40 – 10:25
4th Period: 10: 30 – 11:15
Lunch - 11:15- 11:45
5th Period: 11:45 – 12:30
6th Period: 12:35 – 1:20
Students need to check their Google Classrooms during these times. Attendance will be taken during these class periods.
Check out our new school design here!
Carrizozo Schools is cancelling school today due to the current weather conditions and with the expectation that conditions will worsen throughout the day. Stay safe!
We welcome you to join us on Friday, January 27th to view the design progress of our new CMS school campus! Our architects, Dekker Perich Sabatini, will be presenting information from 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm in the gym lobby during the Middle School and High School basketball games. We look forward to seeing you all on Friday!
Carrizozo Schools will be on a 2-hour delay on Tuesday, Jan. 24th.
Carrizozo Schools will be serving Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, November 10th from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. We are inviting parents and community members to attend. The cost will be $5.00 per plate. Please fill out this form so that the cafeteria can prepare accordingly. Thank you! Google form Link: